Tag: fingerplays

Two Little Blackbirds

Two Little Blackbirds

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Literacy Tip Hi, I’m Andrea and this is Reece. We are going to demonstrate a finger rhyme that you can do at home! This rhyme is great to do with all ages. Singing with children builds pathways in their brains to help learn language. Talk, sing and play with your child as often as you can to ... Read More of Two Little Blackbirds

Cinco lobitos

Cinco lobitos

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Literacy Tip Hola! Me llamo Yanira. Esta es una rima muy divertida. Recitar rimas como ésta introduce nuevas palabras a los niños pequeños. Hable y cante con sus hijos todo el tiempo para que aprendan muchas palabras! Transcript Cinco lobitos tiene la loba, cinco lobitos detrás de la ... Read More of Cinco lobitos

Saco mis manitas

Saco mis manitas

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Literacy Tip Hola! Yo soy Yanira y les voy a enseñar una canción que es muy divertida. ¡Anima a su hijo mover sus manitos y cantar! Al participar verbalmente, los juegos de dedos ayuda con el desarollo del lenguaje. El movimiento de las manos y dedos ayuda desarollar los musculos motores, los ... Read More of Saco mis manitas

5 Plump Peas

5 Plump Peas

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Literacy Tip Hi! My name is Tricia and this is my son Atticus who is 3 years old. We’re going to show you a fun fingerplay today! Fingerplays like this not only help young children learn new words and hear the smaller sounds in words, but also help develop fine motor skills which are necessary ... Read More of 5 Plump Peas

Here is the Beehive

Here is the Beehive

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Literacy Tip Hi, I'm Gigi. There are lots of rhymes about the things we see around us. This rhyme about bees and a beehive can start a conversation with your child about where bees live, where they keep their honey, how they sound and what they look like. It can help your child learn new words and ... Read More of Here is the Beehive

Rain Is Falling Down

Rain Is Falling Down

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Literacy Tip Two and three year olds like doing the actions of this rhyme. It's fun anytime, but even more fun on a rainy day or in the bathtub. The actions help the child understand the meaning of the words. This can also be a peek-a-boo game for babies. Transcript Rain is falling down. Splash ... Read More of Rain Is Falling Down

Patty Cake

Patty Cake

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Literacy Tip Hi, my name is Cliff. When you play “patty cake” with your baby, trace the first letter of your child’s name in his palm so that he feels the shape of the letter. This beginning knowledge of shapes will help him learn to recognize letters as he gets older. Transcript Patty ... Read More of Patty Cake

Alphabet Monster

Alphabet Monster

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Literacy Tip I’m Becky. My son, Holden, is 3 and knows the alphabet song, but this rhyme helps him learn that letters can be put together in lots of different ways. Transcript I'm the Alphabet Monster And nothing tastes better To the Alphabet Monster Than eating a letter. A "j" and an ... Read More of Alphabet Monster

Itsy Bitsy Spider

Itsy Bitsy Spider

Rating: 3.2/5. From 3 votes.
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Literacy Tip Hi. I’m Cydney, and this my son, Stephen. He is 24 months old. The Itsy Bitsy Spider is one of our favorite songs. Notice that it tells a story. (Rhyme) After singing, you can ask your child to tell you what happened in the song. When children tell what happened, they develop ... Read More of Itsy Bitsy Spider