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Acka Backa Soda Cracker

Acka Backa Soda Cracker

Rating: 2.4/5. From 20 votes.
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Literacy Tip My name is Lisa and this is Charlie who is 9 months old. We’re going to share a fun rhyme with you now! The physical movement in this rhyme increases the baby’s awareness of rhythm in language. Combined with rhyme, this physical experience helps babies to notice the individual ... Read More of Acka Backa Soda Cracker

Mix the Batter

Mix the Batter

Rating: 1.9/5. From 6 votes.
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Literacy Tip Hello. I’m Gigi, and I’m going to demonstrate a fun rhyme. When children hear the rhyming sounds, they are reminded that words are made up of different sounds. This understanding will make it easier for him to sound out words when learning to read. Transcript Mix the batter ... Read More of Mix the Batter

Hickory Dickory Dock

Hickory Dickory Dock

Rating: 2.1/5. From 17 votes.
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Literacy Tip Hi everyone, I’m Gigi. This is an old favorite rhyme. For four and five year old children, being able to tell rhymes is a skill that will help them understand what they are reading when they begin to read. Transcript Hickory, dickory, dock,The The mouse ran up the clock, The ... Read More of Hickory Dickory Dock

5 Plump Peas

5 Plump Peas

Rating: 2.6/5. From 13 votes.
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Literacy Tip Hi! My name is Tricia and this is my son Atticus who is 3 years old. We’re going to show you a fun fingerplay today! Fingerplays like this not only help young children learn new words and hear the smaller sounds in words, but also help develop fine motor skills which are necessary ... Read More of 5 Plump Peas

This Little Piggie

This Little Piggie

Rating: 3.4/5. From 4 votes.
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Literacy Tip Hi, my name is Tricia, and this is my 10-month-old daughter Josephine. Let’s do an old familiar rhyme that actually helps children to learn the sequence of a story. Using body parts helps them remember the rhyme and the order of each “piggie’s” actions. Hold your child on your ... Read More of This Little Piggie

Mother and Father

Mother and Father

Rating: 2.8/5. From 12 votes.
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Literacy Tip Hello everyone. My name is Kia and this is my 2-year-old son Bodhi. He loves to bounce on my knees. Doing rhymes with actions helps stretch out the words. This rhyme reinforces familiar words that you might use, like Mother and Father. But you can change the words to ones you may use ... Read More of Mother and Father

Wake Up Toes

Wake Up Toes

Rating: 3.5/5. From 11 votes.
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Literacy Tip Hi, my name is Jessica and this is my son, Owen. When children hear songs, each syllable is often represented by different note, so it helps them to hear that words are made up of separate small sounds. You will want to hold your child on your lap, and wiggle each body part as it is ... Read More of Wake Up Toes

Here is the Beehive

Here is the Beehive

Rating: 2.3/5. From 22 votes.
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Literacy Tip Hi, I'm Gigi. There are lots of rhymes about the things we see around us. This rhyme about bees and a beehive can start a conversation with your child about where bees live, where they keep their honey, how they sound and what they look like. It can help your child learn new words and ... Read More of Here is the Beehive

Little Boy Blue

Little Boy Blue

Rating: 2.9/5. From 5 votes.
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Literacy Tip Hi, I'm Gigi and I'd like to share a rhyme with you. Toddlers especially love making the sounds that go with the animals in this rhyme. Some of the old rhymes have great vocabulary that we don't use as part of our everyday life. We might say field instead of meadow, and we don't ... Read More of Little Boy Blue

Reach for the Ceiling

Reach for the Ceiling

Rating: 2.1/5. From 7 votes.
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Literacy Tip Hi, my name is Kia and this is my son Bodhi who is 2 years old. This rhyme encourages play and motion to accompany the words. When you and your child play together, learning words and their meanings is lots of fun. You can make up new and different games that will add to your ... Read More of Reach for the Ceiling